Framing the First Floor of Our Oregon New Home
Wow! What a difference a week makes! They put in the sub floors the first part of the week and then started framing the walls later in the week. Now that framing has started it seems like things are really moving along. Every time we go by the property new materials have been delivered and the structure looks a little bit more like a house.
- Standing where the front door will be
With the walls in place we can really start to see how things are going to look; where the windows and door are going to be, the size of the rooms, etc. Before, it was difficult to visualize how everything was going to be.
I stopped by yesterday and talked with the framers and they plan to be working on our project until their done. Next steps are to do the interior walls. Then they’ll put in stairs and the second story floor joist before doing the walls for the second floor and finally the trusses.
- Looking out to where our french doors will go to our covered patio
Electrical Distribution Engineering Plan
I was in contact with the electrical company this week. Our plan is to have underground electricity, so that we can avoid overhead wires going to our house. Most new construction in the city has underground electricity. They have created a plan for us and I paid the bill, so they should be out soon to have that started.
Adair Homes will take care of all the electricity inside the house. We are responsible for getting the electricity from the power poll to the house. When our excavator comes back to do the trenching we will have an electrician come out to set up the power.
After months of “hurry up and wait” it’s fun to finally see things really progressing!