Asbestos Mitigation to Start the Demolition Process


Trash from inside the kitchen that was removed to get to the vinyl floor for mitigation of asbestos

We finally have things starting at the site! Yay!!! The asbestos contactor started on Wednesday and was done getting everything out by the end of Thursday. No big hiccups in getting it out. There was a ton of trash on the floor that they had to shovel out in order to get to the vinyl flooring in the kitchen, but other than that things seemed to go pretty smooth.

On Friday we received the official letter stating that the house was clear of the asbestos and that it was safe to go back on the property.


Bare concrete in the kitchen, all asbestos and vinyl removed.

When I talked to the asbestos contractor last week he did say he found some random things inside that house that he was going to set out; a lawn mower, new book shelves…we went through some it last night to see if there is anything we want to keep.

I also noticed a couple of doors that were visible when they had the boards removed and am thinking about trying to salvage them. Not sure if it is worth the effort, but will take a look and see if they are worth saving.


Next thing up is Demo Day! I talked to our excavator and he is planning on mobilizing equipment either Tuesday or Wednesday, so they should be on site soon. He’ll start by clearing around the house where there is a lot of debris and other materials. Once he has that done he will start the demolition on the main structure. He thinks it will go fast, so hopefully by next week we will have an empty lot! We are just crossing our fingers that there is nothing random buried under the house and that there is a good base for a foundation so we don’t have to import an unexpected amount of rock.

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